With all the negative stuff being hurled around lately, I wanted to go photograph something that was "Real Americana" on the fourth of July. Even though the weather forecast was very gloomy, I felt in my heart I needed to go out anyway. It was already raining when I arrived at Sportscom (Murfreesboro, Tn.) where the fireworks would be held that night, and the weather app showed nothing but downpours everywhere. I kept my camera in my bag most of the time, and just enjoyed the sights. Whenever the rain let up, I grabbed a few shots of the food and festivities. The crowd was very light (I can't imagine why). We were ushered into a building when the lightning got closer. Shortly after, the announcement came that everything was cancelled except the fireworks. The low hanging clouds and the steady downpour made the fireworks almost painterly. Even though I was drenched beyond belief
, I was happy to be there (with the hundreds of others sitting in their cars), just reveling in our great country and its ideals. I am proud to be an American. Long may our flag wave!