There are some honors that few people ever get to enjoy. On this coming Tuesday evening, I get to experience such an honor. My great friend and talented photographer, Rick Delorme, will be receiving his Master of Photography Degree from the Professional Photographers of America. He asked me to be on stage with him as his sponsor. Sadly, the person Rick really wanted to be on stage with him has passed on. Our mentor and close friend, Monte Zucker, was to be his sponsor. Monte was taken away from us by cancer a little while ago. Believe me, I am overwhelmed to be his second choice. Rick and I met many years ago at one of Monte's classes. I hope to post a photo of Rick and I on the blog when I return. Rick (top photo) has worked tirelessly to receive this, and he truly deserves this recognition. Rick has a studio in Michigan (Brrrrrr) but he travels down here quite often. Here is a sample of his wonderful images. Check out his web site..
www.delormephoto.comOn the way to Phoenix soon, see ya when I return!