I love it when a plan goes together! Last night I had the pleasure of working with three gorgeous models, a FANTASTIC team of make up artists, a super dress shop, a cool new florist and a videographer that rocks! We all teamed up to provide each other with new cutting edge images that promotes all our businesses. What a TOTAL blast. It is so nice to work with a team of professionals, all with the same goal. We photographed all over downtown Bradenton. A huge thanks to Jerry and First Baptist Church for lending a room for the girls to change. Here are just a few of the 600 images.
The vendors were
Something Blue Bridal Boutique- 747-1512 www.somethingbluebridalboutique.com (Under revision)
Acqua Aveda Salon- 941.778.5400 www.acquaaveda.com
Studio26 Video- 941.751.2600- www.studio26weddings.com
The Perfect Settings-941.993.0696 www.theperfectsettings.com